
I think the problem stems from your choice of report options.

Namely, by default, 'Account Name' under the Display tab is *not* selected, while the 'other account' is.

This is because by default the Sort options are:

Primary: account
Secondary: register order

So by default, the transactions for each chosen account are grouped together, and then those are listed by date. Subtotals are for the account. Since the primary sorting key is the account, it is shown like in my screenshot on 8/3 circled in yellow. (and also what you indicated in your 'I wish it has said' example.) Thus, there is no need to check off the option to show 'Account Name' in the Display tab as that would be superfluous.


Changing the primary sort to Date (or other similar option) now sets that grouping label to an accounting period rather than the account name. The account name is no longer visible, but you can of course, turn it on in the Display tab.

I've managed to craft a report similar to the desired (3rd) example you gave and have attached it.

I've also attached the Options used to achieve it.

It might not be the only or best way to see the info, but it closely matches what you indicated you were looking for. Note, I only selected the Checking account, there is little need by your example to select both it and the Income account as those splits will be represented already since the other important preference change was switching the Detail Level to 'One Split Per Line' in the Display tab. You can of course turn on other info labels in Display, but I turned them off to match your example.

Note, the attached example uses Date, rather than the default Account Name, as the primary sort key.


On 8/16/22 10:44 PM, Peter S. Shenkin wrote:
I think at last I see what you all are saying.

When I have not displayed account totals, the only account shown on a debit
or credit line is the *counterpart* of the current leg of the transaction;
so the line in the last of my four attachments that says "Checking Account"
and lists $100 as a Credit is actually showing that "Other income" received
a credit and received it from the Checking Account. The problem is that the
partner in the account is not named in the display.

I find this very confusing, but I do understand it now. I think it would
have helped if, without turning on Account totals, the label of each leg of
the transaction could have maintained the name of the parent account for
each line.

For instance, instead of just :

*Date       Num Description Memo/Notes Transfer from/to          Debit
(USD) Credit*
08/16/2022     sale                            Checking Account

  I wish it had said:

*Date       Num Description Memo/Notes Transfer from/to       Debit (USD)
Other Income:
08/16/2022     sale                            Checking Account

Still, what I would really like to see is something compact that shows, for
each transaction, in date order, the date and description of the
transaction and then a single line for each leg, the amount involved and
whether it is a debit or a credit. For instance:

08/16/2022 sale
     *Account             Debit     Credit*
     Checking Account:   $100
     Other Income:                 $100

It's the compactness and clarity of the representation, not the exact
format, that I'm concerned with.

Thanks for all your help. I'll play with the options to see how close I can
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