
I use a Mac, not a Flatpak on Linux, but one detail of this thread caught my 
eye. You say, "for the one [file named AlphaVantage.pm]? in my Flatpak 
installation". On the Mac, Finance::Quote installs not one, but two files named 
AlphaVantage.pm . When I run the "find" command below, I get two results:


It is the second file, within the directory CurrencyRates/, which must be 
updated. Does Flatpack contain two such files? Did you update the correct one?

The first file was 12527 bytes, the second (inside CurrencyRates/) is
3938 bytes as updated.

Now the situation may be different on Flatpak, in which case this comment is of 
no use to you. My apologies.

Best regards,
 ??? ?Jim DeLaHunt

Thanks for pointing that out!
The directory  .../Perl/5.30/Finance/Quote/ in my Flatpak installation has no 
subdirectories, but I see that the fixed AlphaVantage.pm is in the 
CurrencyRates subdirectory of the master branch on github 
I therefore restored the original AlphaVantage.pm in 
.../Perl/5.30/Finance/Quote/, downloaded the master branch of F::Q and copied 
the CurrencyRates subdirectory into my Flatpak installation. Unfortunately, 
"Get Quotes" still takes 15 minutes and then returns the same "Unable to 
retrieve" message.
Kdiff identifies 70 changed files between F::Q 1.49 and the current master 
branch, so I guess I will either have to install the entire master branch or 
install 1.52 and replace the appropriate AlphaVantage.pm
What really puzzles me is why F::Q insists on getting currency exchange rates 
from AlphaVantage, when it's so complicated.  In the course of my research, I 
noticed that F::Q retrieves a currency list from Yahoo (in "Currencies.pm").   
It seems that Yahoo also offers FX rates 
(https://finance.yahoo.com/currencies).  Wouldn't it be easier to retrieve the 
rates from Yahoo as well?

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