I have the same problem with quote update on version 5.0, and now I have to 
return back to version 4.13 and it works fine.

Some quotes from Taiwan stock, for example 0050.TW updated from Yahoo as JSON 
on macOS 13.3/


> David G. Pickett via gnucash-user <gnucash-user@gnucash.org> 於 2023年3月29日 
> 上午7:30 寫道:
> Poking aroun more, I see in Edit Security DIA it says "Warning: Finance Quote 
> is not installed properly.".
> Checking my cron job log, it says:
> flatpak run --command=gnucash-cli org.gnucash.GnuCash --quotes get 
> /home/dgp/GnuCash/ubuntu-DGPickett.gnucashF: X11 socket /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 
> does not exist in filesystem, trying to use abstract socket instead.Missing 
> data file parameter
> gnucash-cli [options] [datafile] - GnuCash, accounting for personal and small 
> business finance:
> Common Options:  -h [ --help ]          Show this help message  -v [ 
> --version ]       Show GnuCash version  --debug                Enable 
> debugging mode: provide deep detail in the                          logs.     
>                     This is equivalent to: --log "=info" --log "qof=info"     
>                      --log "gnc=info"  --extra                Enable 
> extra/development/debugging features.  --log arg              Log level 
> overrides, of the form                          
> "modulename={debug,info,warn,crit,error}"                         Examples: 
> "--log qof=debug" or "--log                          
> gnc.backend.file.sx=info"                         This can be invoked 
> multiple times.  --paths                Show paths  --logto arg            
> File to log into; defaults to "/tmp/gnucash.trace";                          
> can be "stderr" or "stdout".
> Price Quotes Retrieval Options:  -Q [ --quotes ] arg    Execute price quote 
> related commands. The following                          commands are 
> supported.                                                    info: Show 
> Finance::Quote version and exposed quote                                  
> sources.                            get: Fetch current quotes for all foreign 
>                                  currencies and stocks in the given GnuCash   
>                                datafile.                           dump: 
> Fetch current quotes for specified currencies                                 
>  or stocks from a specified namespace and print                               
>   the results to the console.                                 This must be 
> followed with a source and one or                                 more 
> symbols, unless the source is "currency"                                  in 
> which case it must be followed with two or                                  
> more symbols, the first of which is the                                  
> currency in which exchange rates for the rest                                 
>  will be quoted.                           --namespace arg        Regular 
> expression determining which namespace                          commodities 
> will be retrieved for when using the get                          command  -V 
> [ --verbose ]       When using the dump command list all of the parameters    
>                      Finance::Quote returns for the symbol instead of the     
>                      ones that Gnucash requires.
> Report Generation Options:  -R [ --report ] arg    Execute report related 
> commands. The following                          commands are supported.      
>                                               list: Lists available reports.  
>                          show: Describe the options modified in the named     
>                              report. A datafile may be specified to           
>                        describe some saved options.                           
> run: Run the named report in the given GnuCash                                
>  datafile.                           --name arg             Name of the 
> report to run                           --export-type arg      Specify export 
> type                           --output-file arg      Output file for report  
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David G. Pickett <dgpick...@aol.com>
> To: gnucash-user@gnucash.org <gnucash-user@gnucash.org>
> Sent: Tue, Mar 28, 2023 7:23 pm
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Problems with Finance::Quote and GnuCash Version: 5.0 
> Build ID: 5.0+(2023-03-25)
> I see since it updated to 5.0 the quotes are not coming in from my daily cron 
> and the get quotes button is grayed out, so you broke something.  Any 
> concrete suggestions on specific actions on how to reactivate this, which was 
> running fine in 4.13 ?
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