Now that V5.0 offers choices when you start typing in the description, I find 
errors in spelling and other differences in the way I've entered names.  I try 
to clean these up, but sometimes there are n excess of a hundred, because they 
were repeated when earlier versions showed suggestions.  In order to eliminate 
V5.0 offering this bad spelling along with the proper spelling the incorrect 
spelling needs to be changed.  It would be helpful if Gnucash offer a llokup 
and replace function.  I haven't found one, am I missing it or doesn't it 
exist.  If not I will suggest it for a future enhancement.

While on the subject of enhancements, It would be helpful to have an undo and 
redo function as in Libre Office and many other spreadsheet programs.  I have 
sometimes accidentally changed a transaction or eliminated what is in a field 
and would like to exit the transaction with no changes.  Is there a way to do 
that now?

Thank You,

Gyle McCollam

Gyle McCollam<>           email
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