On 8/7/2023 5:59 AM, Mahon Finbar via gnucash-user wrote:
BTW, forgot to mention, the date of the last transaction in the file that I mentioned that opens, is in 2022!!

I certainly have been updating my records since then.


You perhaps might have noticed discussions here about keeping books for multiple entities. That of course means each would have its own file (different filenames, ideally in different directories (file folders).

By the same token, it is possible to have multiple files for the same entity, either intentionally* or accidentally.

 IF, when you open your books under gnucash all you see are old transactions (you know you have been entering transactions with effective dates later than that) you probably have accidentally created more than one file.

Having work habits to prevent this sort of thing is not strictly speaking a gnucash problem. If you were say writing a paper using your favorite word processor it would be important that you didn't end up with duplicate files (some of your editing done to one, some to the other)

Tell us, what is the NAME of your gnucash books and what directory (file folder) is it in. If you do not KNOW a unique answer to this question, then that is the first thing you need to find out.

Michael D Novack

* Not crazy -- might for example at the (effective) end of each year create a copy giving a name like Booksyyyy.gnucash which could be marked "read only", multiple copies sent off site, into the custody of another officer of the organization, etc.

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