In my earlier email I suggested that you tell us the complete path/filename
for those files.  Windows likes to foreshorten them in some cases,
especially if there are external drives involved.  I should have said
complete unqualified path/filename in case the path names have been
shortened to stay under the character count limit or to identify an
external drive.

On Mon, Aug 7, 2023 at 3:17 PM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

> First, for attachment images, they need to be 'as attachment' and *not*
> inline.
> That is, in your e-mail app, attach the screenshot. Do not just paste it
> into the message mixed in with the text.
> You may also have a setting in your e-mail app for this to toggle
> between 'inline' and 'attachment'. For the mailing list - you *do not*
> want 'inline'. (the mailing list software will simply strip them out of
> the message)
> Second, if you say there are hundreds of files, a screenshot isn't going
> to cut it anyway. (it would take many screenshots)
> I'm not well versed on Windows command line, so without me spending time
> looking it up, maybe someone else who knows off the top of their head
> can advise a command that will export your file list to a text file that
> you can attach here. Of course, you'd want to use whatever options are
> available to include the original creation date & time, as well as a
> last modified date & time. (those can be shown or not shown as desired)
>  From that list, we should be able to reasonably guess which is your
> latest file (or maybe even several candidates for it) and then you can
> open them and confirm.
> I suspect though, that you have a condition where there are transactions
> in one file that aren't in another, and vice versa. And this may involve
> more than 2 files. You'll have to decipher that for yourself once you
> figure out the file situation, and then we can proceed with helping you
> consolidate them into one book.
> Lastly, it would be good to get a handle on how this happened in the
> first place, so the problem doesn't continue to compound.
> But I too don't think you lost any data unless you started deleting
> .gnucash files without backups. (.lck files aren't necessarily a problem)
> .gcm files store some preferences for each book. It would be best not to
> lose those for now, but losing them wouldn't be data lost.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 8/7/23 10:03 AM, Mahon Finbar via gnucash-user wrote:
> > Thank you for that. However, a file search for any file of that
> > structure only delivers 1 dated 18.02.2022, which I have mentioned in an
> > earlier post is the date on my 'currently loaded' file which won't save.
> >
> > There are a number of files with .GCM and number with LCK dated 2021,
> > others with .log, many more (recent ones) with shortcut.
> What do you mean by 'shortcut'? They are pointing to other gnucash files
> in some other location? This is concerning...
> >
> > All the rest are datestamped.
> >
> > You can see why I am confused and very worried that I have lost all the
> > recent data.
> >
> > Thanks to all for the help and advice. I feel stupid, I thought I was
> > reasonably capable in IT, but......
> >
> > I even have problems creating  the proper . versions for uploading.....
> > 'save as' doesn't seem to be working.
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