Sorry, I would not like to see an FAQ pop up in this list on any periodic basis.

What you are describing there is akin to a 'sticky' or 'pinned' post in a web forum.

This is not a web forum.

We have the Wiki, which has the FAQ section. We also have the Help Manual, and the Tutorial & Concepts Guide. Those are better places for standard, regular advice on how to use the software. This list serves a different purpose — to offer assistance that those sources don't (maybe yet) cover.

Some redesign of the website pointing to the FAQ might be in order, but that would take some careful analysis, and of course, someone to code the changes.


On 1/13/24 11:19 AM, R Losey wrote:
But the larger issue is that I believe this email list could benefit from a
FAQ that is posted monthly or every other month to this group. The wiki has
some neat ideas about tracking year to year equity growth.

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