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The actual output is as follows (names changed to protect the innocent):

F:\Software\gdipc>gdipc -g 3645:749
====  gdipc.bat running:  Wed Mar 20 23:41:27 2002  ====
Configuration file name: F:/Software/gdipc/gdipc.conf.txt
Cache file name: F:/Software/gdipc/
Address validation failed for - UDP packet timed out
Attempting update at ...
Update to address from successful for

So, it appears the ip address is being updated unnecessarily at the server 
because the "Address validation" failed.  How can I configure or run the 
client to properly validate the existing ip address from behind a NAT?


Original Email text follows:
I am running the GnuDIP Client (WinNT) behind a firewall/NAT and I have
successfully updated a remote GnuDIP Server.

This means that I have:
   -  defined a new udp port (xyz) on my client machine (in
%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\services )

   -  configured my NAT to forward all port traffic for xyz to the machine 
where the GnuDIP client is running

When I run:
     gdipc -g 3495:xyz

The response is something to the effect:  "UDP message timed out"  (I
apologize for not providing the exact message...I am no longer at my machine 
to get the exact text).

Even though it displays the time out message, the process continues and
successfully updates the server (even though the dynamic address hadn't

I have sent an email to the dynip domain server to see if they have
configured the server to receive requests on a different port, but I am
assuming they have not (waiting for a response from them).

So, my questions are:
     1)  Am I using the correct 'sendport' for the default server
installation?   I looked through the GnuDIP server install to find a
reference to that port.   If there is another 'default' port, what is it?

     2)  The successful message indicates the registered ip address has
changed from    a.b.c.d    to    a.b.c.d   (in other words, it did not
actually change).  Does this mean the server did unnecessary update 'work' 
or was the server able to figure out that an update did not need to take 

I would like to set up the client to run as a daemon, but until I feel
satisfied I am not causing the server to work harder than it needs to, I'm 
holding off.

Thanks for your help.


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