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Thank you so much for bearing with me on this topic.  I am starting to feel 
like an idiot b/c I can't make this router work.  I am trying to define the 
correct filter rules.  Since you are not familiar with the box, can you 
verify the ports I need to filter (from the WAN side as well as the LAN 
side, if necessary)?

Given my original example "gdipc -g 3645:749", your explanation below 
indicates the gdipc server will send a UDP packet back to port 3645 on the 
WAN side of my NAT.  Correct?

>For example given your command "gdipc -g 3645:749", gdipc will send a
>UDP packet to port 3645 at the external address of your NAT box at the
>time of the last update, and listen with a time out on port 749, hoping
>to immediately receive the packet it just sent. So if the external
>address of your NAT box has changed, the packet will not arrive.

>You must forward UDP packets arriving at port 749 on the external
>interface of your NAT box to 3645 of the machine running gdipc,
>otherwise the packets will never arrive, and you will send unnecessary
>updates to your GnuDIP service.

And (on the LAN side), the gdipc client is going to listen on port 749 for 
the packet that is supposed to be coming in on port 3645.  So, I need to 
point UDP packets coming in from the WAN side on port 3645 to port 749 on 
the LAN side.  Is this correct?  (see my drawing below for my 
understanding...which I cannot make work)

If this is the case, then the LAN side should know nothing about port 3645 
traffic and not require any LAN-side filters relating to port 3645 (outbound 
or inbound).

So, does this mean the -g parameter "3645:749" is actually the port 
translation defined in the firewall?

If I am barking up the wrong tree, please tell me to drop it.  I have found 
examples of Netgear filters (  & ), but I am 
still confused as to how these examples can be applied to the gdipc 

My hope here is to document an example of using a Netgear RP114 (or RTxxx) 
firewall with the GnuDIP software.

Do you think I have a chance?  ;-)

Thanks again!

           ³      Remote         ³
           ³  GDIPC Server       ³
           ³                     ³
                   ³    ^
                   ³    ³
          ³                     ³
    3645  ³                     ³
         \/                     ³
³     WAN       ³          ³       WAN        ³
³ Input Filter  ³          ³  Output Filter   ³
³               ³          ³                  ³
     749  ³                          ^
          ³                          ³
          ³                          ³
          ³                          ³
          ÀÄÄÄÄÄ¿          ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ
                ³          ³
                ³          ³
                ³          ³
               \/          ³
             ³  Netgear RP114    ³
             ³  Firewall/NAT     ³
             ³                   ³
                ³             ^
                ³             ³
                ³             ³
          ÚÄÄÄÄÄÙ             ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿
          ³                          ³
          ³                          ³
     749  ³                          ³
         \/                          ³
³     LAN       ³          ³       LAN        ³
³ Input Filter  ³          ³  Output Filter   ³
³               ³          ³                  ³
          ³                          ^
     749  ³                          ³
          ÀÄÄÄÄÄ¿            ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ
                ³            ³
                ³            ³
               \/            ³
           ³      Local          ³
           ³  GDIPC Client       ³
           ³                     ³

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