On Sat, Mar 19, 2005 at 03:25:32PM -0500, Jason Harris wrote:

> > about the same thing.  Given this case:
> > 
> >        non-revocable sig    1-Jan-2000
> >        revocable sig        2-Jan-2000
> >        revocation           3-Jan-2000
> > 
> > One way of looking at this is the end result is nothing.  That is, the
> > revocable sig of 2-Jan-2000 has superceded the non-revocable sig of
> > 1-Jan-2000, and then the revocation has revoked the sig of 2-Jan-2000.
> > There are no valid sigs left, and all three can be disregarded.
> This would be letting the non-revocable sig. be indirectly revoked,
> which I don't believe anyone is advocating.
> > Another way of looking at this is that the revocable sig of 2-Jan-2000
> > has not superceded the non-revocable sig of 1-Jan-2000.  The
> > revocation of 3-Jan-2000 has revoked the sig of 2-Jan-2000, which
> > leaves the non-revocable sig of 1-Jan-2000 as valid and usable.
> This is what I am advocating.

Good.  Then we agree.  What's more, there is nothing to change.  GnuPG
already effectively works this way (see below).

> > Now try this case:
> > 
> >        non-revocable sig    1-Jan-2000
> >        expired sig          2-Jan-2000 (expired 3-Jan-2000)
> > 
> > One answer here is that the expired sig of 2-Jan-2000 has superceded
> > the nonrevocable sig of 1-Jan-2000.  The end result is nothing and
> > both sigs can be discarded.
> > 
> > Another answer is that 2-Jan-2000 has expired, which leaves the sig of
> > 1-Jan-2000 as valid and usable.
> > 
> > What are you arguing for?
> The sig. of 1-Jan-2000 is valid and usable.  It can only be ignored when
> superceded.

I agree with your general idea here, but not the details, exactly.
What GnuPG does in this case is to take the 1-Jan-2000 signature and
ignore any that follow.

I don't like the idea of a signature that is temporarily superceded.
Either it is superceded (and can be removed) or it is not.  It's a bit
of a distinction without a difference, really.  The end result is
basically the same, but the rationale is different.

> Also, if multiple non-revocable sigs. exist, the latest (valid) one 
> supercedes all others, which can be safely removed.

Ok, I buy this.  I'll change the unusable sig filter to remove earlier
sigs in a series when filtering.  It's a little different than the
current implementation since this would allow a newly imported
signature to cause older signatures already on the keyring to
disappear (say, if an expired signature was imported that dated after
all the signatures that were already present).


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