>>>>> "David" == David Shaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    David> On Thu, Jul 21, 2005 at 05:21:13PM +0000, Uwe Brauer wrote:
    >> >>>>> "David" == David Shaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
    David> On Thu, Jul  21, 2005 at  04:18:00PM +0000, Uwe Brauer
    David> wrote: There is only one version of the key whether it
    David> is in  PGP  or GPG.  Go ahead  and  submit it to  any
    David> keyserver you like.
    David> David
    >> I am confused.  From what I read pgp 2.6 and gpg are not compatible, 
    >> see
    >> <http://www.gnupg.org/gph/en/pgp2x.html> [1]
    >> I cannot as a gpg user use the pgp public key in order to send a
    >> message. 
    >> Do you agree?

    David> No.

Aha, I asked some weeks ago about how to import my pgp 2.6 to gpg,
because following the rules mentioned above
gpg --import private.pgp 
and the alike did NOT work, that is I used the imported key and tried
to send myself a message using enigmail and failed, 
the reason seems to be IDEA (well you can compile IDEA support into
gpg however this is not standard.)

See the messages:
and especially 

Where Werner advice to empty the pass-phrase in pgp2.6 import it to gpg
and then introduce a pass-phrase.

So I conclude from that that a pgp2.6 with IDEA protected pass-phrase
is NOT the same as the imported key into gpg, where the pass phrase is
protected by other algorithm.


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