
* Andrew Myers wrote (2006-11-29 13:21):
>CIVS originally sent text/plain emails. But it was useful to be able to 
>embed links and to preserve election description formatting. The HTML it 
>sends is pretty minimal -- I don't think it should set off reasonable 
>spam filters.

I also picked the vote mail from the trashcan. In my case wasn't so
much the words but the fact that it was HTML-only. Even in complete
Outlook shops mails will have an alternative text part.

The vote mail was the third or so HTML-only mail which proved to be
ham, this served as a very good yardstick in the past.

>At least, I haven't heard this complaint before.

Maybe you don't regularly have votes by people thinking a lot about
email communication.

Rarely do we find people who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking.
There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked
solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think.
    - Martin Luther King

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