Sascha Welter wrote the following on 3/7/07 4:11 PM:
> (Wed, Mar 07, 2007 at 12:55:28PM +0200) Charly Avital wrote/schrieb/egrapse:
>> I can't remember whether or which security problems 1.4.1 comported, but
>> you will find complementary information in that site.
> Since we've just had a security related update to 1.4.6 and a security
> related update to 1.4.7, I'd be hesitant to use or recommend 1.4.1.

Quite, but later versions of gnupg, as far as I have read, are not
compatible with OS X 10.3.9.

See MacGPG's web site <>, where different
versions of GnuPG are posted for OS 10.1.x, 10.2.x, 10.3.x, and now 10.4.x.

Apparently the "last" GnuPG version for 10.3.9 is 1.4.1. For better or
for worse.

>> All the above, until or if you decide to upgrade from 10.3.9.
> There are Macs that can't upgrade beyond 10.3.9 and that will still work
> fine with that system for many years to come.

I also have a G3 iMac, running 10.3.9, works fine.

I have even a venerable 1998 vintage Wallstreet, where I succeeded to
install Panther, but that was a long time ago.

> Myself I tend to compile gnupg anyway, which IIRC never was much of a
> problem on 10.3.9 anyway. But I understand that some people don't have
> the knowledge or confidence to do that.

Till now, I have  compiled gnupg from source. I don't have the
knowledge, I follow the instructions set in MacGPG's web site. If or
when something goes wrong, I ask questions, get answers (most of the
time), and try to remedy. Call that confidence? I don't know.

I only know it has worked till now, including GnuPG 2.0.2


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