At 11:59 AM -0500 3/8/07, reynt0 wrote:
>I apologize if I am wasting the time of some busy
>and appreciated people, but I'd like to ask for

Not that busy, let's try to sort out this issue.

>The latest "HowTo", v4.16,
>says gcc 4.0.1 is needed.

You are right, that's what the HOWTO indicates:
This document describes how to build GnuPG on Mac OS X 10.2+.

Please keep in mind that you need to have XCode 2.21 or the latest Developer
Tools with gcc 4.0.1 or later as well as the BSD Subsystem installed. Check
this by typing 'gcc -v' into the Terminal.

I am not sure what happened here; maybe, and I wish to stress 'maybe' an
editing error when updating Gordon Worley's instructions.

The facts are as follows:
1. On this iMac running OS 10.3.9, I have:
Xcode 1.5, and gcc (GCC) 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1666)

As I informed in a previous e-mail, I have compiled GnuPG 1.4.7 on this
computer, without any problem.


I have included Mr. Alexander Nouak in the distribution of this answer,
hoping he will be able to clarify this matter. I know Mr. Nouak will get
this message also via macgpg-users, and I apologize for this double posting.


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