Charly Avital wrote:
caleb wrote the following on 4/4/09 5:15 AM:

I have been reading a book about openPGP and have installed GnuPG. I have successfully created a keypair and have created a revocation certificate. But when I try and send my key to a keyserver with the command:

gpg --keyserver --send-keys

i get an error:

gpg: "" not a key ID: skipping

>From man gpg:

 --send-keys key IDs
Fingerprints  may  be used instead of key IDs. Option --keyserver must
be used to give the name of this keyserver. Don't send your com-
plete  keyring  to  a keyserver --- select only those keys which
are new or changed by you.
I don't know why this happens as this is the email address I used when creating the keypair and gpg printed that this address was part of my User ID. I tried another command:

This happens because your command line indicated as argument your e-mail
address, that is your User ID, instead of the key ID, that is composed
by the last eight digits of the key's fingerprint.

As indicated above, you can use also the whole fingerprint.

gpg --output --armor --export

this worked and printed my public key to a text file. I have no idea why it is not accepting my email as part of my user id when I try and send keys to the keyserver.

As indicated above, because when sending to a keyserver, you have to
include the Key(s) ID, not your User ID (UID)

Best regards,
Hi Charly,

Thanks for the help, I found the fingerprint and the keyid and successfully sent the key to the keyserver.

thanks again

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