On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 07:36:02PM +0200, Bernhard Kuemel wrote:

> I changed my expiration with --edit-key expire from never to 3y and
> uploaded the key. Then I changed it to 5y and uploaded the key. Now the
> uploaded key has several self signatures and expiration dates on
> http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0xF732FBF3E4219D48

> It appears the key expiration is part of the signatures. Will the most
> recent signature have the effective expiration date?


  %gpg --with-fingerprint --with-fingerprint --check-sigs E4219D48
  pub   1024D/E4219D48 2004-12-19 [expires: 2014-08-26]
        Key fingerprint = E18F BF4D 0EE2 6522 E950  A06A F732 FBF3 E421 9D48
  uid                  Bernhard K?mel <bernh...@bksys.at>
  sig!3        E4219D48 2009-08-27  Bernhard K?mel <bernh...@bksys.at>
  sig!3        E4219D48 2009-08-27  Bernhard K?mel <bernh...@bksys.at>
  uid                  Bernhard Kuemel <bernh...@bksys.at>
  sig!3        E4219D48 2004-12-19  Bernhard K?mel <bernh...@bksys.at>
  sig!3        E4219D48 2009-08-27  Bernhard K?mel <bernh...@bksys.at>
  sig!3        E4219D48 2009-08-27  Bernhard K?mel <bernh...@bksys.at>
  sub   1024g/0A5FA7F8 2004-12-19
        Key fingerprint = A5C7 D8D4 3C01 9925 15B3  6310 04CE 1D3C 0A5F A7F8
  sig!         E4219D48 2004-12-19  Bernhard K?mel <bernh...@bksys.at>

  1 signature not checked due to a missing key

> I downloaded the key so I could revoke the unwanted signatures.

That isn't really necessary - it will just clutter your key and the

Jason Harris           |  NIC:  JH329, PGP:  This _is_ PGP-signed, isn't it?
jhar...@widomaker.com _|_ web:  http://keyserver.kjsl.com/~jharris/
          Got photons?   (TM), (C) 2004

Attachment: pgpgcpWWuy4Ut.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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