On Tue,  1 Mar 2011 02:41, da...@systemoverlord.com said:

> Other than on systems where $HOME is on a filesystem that does not
> support sockets (e.g., NFS/CIFS/etc.), is anyone aware of an issue with
> the use of --use-standard-socket?  Seems like it would make restarting

GnuPG 2.1 will use --use-standard-socket by default.  The windows port
does this for years.  If you want to run a second gpg-agent, you need to
use a different homedir, though.  I use

    unset GPG_AGENT_INFO
    unset SSH_AGENT_PID
    export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="${HOME}/.gnupg/S.gpg-agent.ssh"

in the startup script for interactive shells.  The only software which
does not work correctly is Easypg because it uses GPG_AGENT_INFO to
decide whether it shall ask for a passphrase; given that this is Emacs,
I can easily fix it.



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