Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> On 02/28/2011 06:49 PM, David Tomaschik wrote:
>> Each process has its own copy of the environment inherited from its
>> parent, so it's not possible to change the GPG_AGENT_INFO variable for
>> all processes.  You could start gpg-agent with --use-standard-socket,
>> and programs should fall back to that.
> Alternately, since you probably already know the current setting of
> GPG_AGENT_INFO, you could just start the agent and link its new socket
> to the place where the old one used to be.  Something like (untested):
>  old_socket=$(printf "%s" "$GPG_AGENT_INFO" | sed 's/:.*$//')
>  mkdir -m 0700 -p $(dirname "$old_socket")
>  eval $(gpg-agent --daemon)
>  new_socket=$(printf "$s" "$GPG_AGENT_INFO" | sed 's/:.*$//')
>  ln "$new_socket" "$old_socket"

David and Daniel, many thanks for your suggestions! I was not aware of
the --use-standard-socket option. I think this will do it for me.
Linking the new socket to the old one is also a nice way I didn't think
of and maybe it will be useful someday.

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