Hi vedaal, gnupg-users,
* ved...@nym.hush.com <ved...@nym.hush.com> [24. Feb. 2012]:
> Robert J. Hansen rjh at sixdemonbag.org wrote on
> Fri Feb 24 05:46:40 CET 2012 :
>>The court sided with the appellant, and held that he could not be
> compelled to produce decrypted data for the government.


> unfortunate that this had to be a child pornography case ...
> (also unfortunate that we can't convince ordinary people to protect 
> their privacy by using encryption,
> while the bad guys seem not only to need no convincing, they use 
> the encryption so effectively that capable intelligence agencies 
> can't crack it)

obviousely not: http://www.crypto.com/blog/wiretap2010/ this
blogpost says that the 2010 US wiretap report says there were
zero cases where encryption blocked access for state agencies to
interesting data.

Ciao, Gregor
 -... --- .-. . -.. ..--.. ...-.-

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