Thanks. The clearsign "test" worked.

What does "cert-digest-algo" do? I read the description in the GnuPG manual and 
what you quoted, but I still don't understand. Could someone explain to me what 
cert-digest-algo does and how it differs from digest-algo when placed in 

so "personal-digest-preferences SHA256" will specificy that SHA256 be used for 
digitally signing my messages, right?

and "default-preference-list" is only used for when user generates a new key, 

> To:
> From:
> Subject: Re: How to "activate" gpg.conf entries?
> Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2012 16:54:27 +0200
> Hash: SHA256
> On 2012-07-11 16:09, Sam Smith wrote:
> > I've added the following 3 lines to my gpg.conf file:
> > 
> > 1) to use stronger hash when supported by others, I added this line
> > = *personal-digest-preferences SHA256*
> > 
> > 2) to use the SHA256 hash when I Sign a message, I added this line 
> > =*cert-digest-algo SHA256*
> This is not what cert-digest-algo does, I'd recommend removing this
> line at all, but;
>        --cert-digest-algo name
>               Use name as the message digest algorithm  used  when
>               signing  a key.  Running  the  program  with the command
>               --version yields a list of supported algorithms. Be aware
>               that  if  you  choose  an algorithm  that GnuPG supports
>               but other OpenPGP implementations do not, then some users
>               will not be able to use the  key  signatures you make,
>               or quite possibly your entire key.
> > 
> > 3) to change what is used when a new key is generated I added this
> > line = *default-preference-list SHA256 SHA384 SHA512 SHA224 AES256
> > AES192 AES CAST5 ZLIB BZIP2 ZIP Uncompressed*
> Note that as per RFC4880 this will still not remove SHA1[0: 13.3.2.]
> or 3DES[0: 13.2.], as these are appended tacitly to be able to ensure
> a matching set between implementations.
> > 
> > If I am using the wrong command for my intended purpose, please do
> > let me know :)
> > 
> > What procedure should I now do to "activate" or put into effect
> > these preferences? Once done, is there a way to verify that these
> > preferences are in effect, how can I verify?
> > 
> Clearsign some text and see what hash it yield?
> Also note what has been mentioned regarding the use of 1024 bit DSA
> keys, which are limited to the use of 160 bit hash algo. If you wish
> to use a non-truncated version of SHA256 and have such a key, you'll
> have to propagate to a new one.
> [0]
> - -- 
> - ----------------------------
> Kristian Fiskerstrand
> Twitter: @krifisk
> - ----------------------------
> Corruptissima re publica plurimæ leges
> The greater the degeneration of the republic, the more of its laws
> - ----------------------------
> This email was digitally signed using the OpenPGP
> standard. If you want to read more about this
> The book: Sending Emails - The Safe Way: An
> introduction to OpenPGP security is now
> available in both Amazon Kindle and Paperback
> format at
> - ----------------------------
> Public PGP key 0xE3EDFAE3 at
> Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (MingW32)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> xc3F2sRfbyjyWE2trLyNhP+TVGFPeej7rx39wYzgr05VBktN0kavjQ5THWlS6P5T
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> rVkNcAhTFX/nkqjMHpJy
> =t6mT
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