On Tue, 13 May 2014 18:58, fizzli...@posteo.net said:

> What for is this campaign manager? - Is this a part of goteo or of
> gnupg or somebody else?

This is what I had to pay to Sam for his work on the campaign.  My
friends at the FSFE suggested that I should run a campaign as soon as
possible and suggested that I hire Sam to manage it.  Sam was a part
time employee with the FSFE back than and thus had some spare time.  He
did the video, wrote blog entries, and managed the Twitter stuff.

> another question ist the VAT for about  5212,-- €

The legal entity behind GnuPG is my company g10 code.  This is a
commercial entity and we have to pay VAT on all donations (19% from the
amount we received from Goteo; i.e. without the Goteo and Paypal costs).
The VAT we pay on the material procured for the rewards (about 500 Euro)
reduces our depth to the tax office (not yet included in the overview).
Given that the majority of costs at g10 code are currently my salary,
which is not subject to VAT, the VAT issue is indeed a bit unfortunate.
There is no easy solution for this; however I am thinking about a

> Nevertheless - there are for a for a result of 37270,-- € Costs in an
> amout of 50%!


I realized too late that the published costs calculation was not correct
from the beginning.  For example the Goteo fee was given only at about
50% of the actual value and VAT was completely missing.  It was my fault
to no ask Sam to have me check the numbers before publishing.  Changing
them later was not possible.

> My question now: Would'nt it be better to put every year some "Index"
> in the top of the gnupg-website with the actual need for the runnig
> year and beg for direkt donations?

That is indeed the plan.  But it takes some more time.  The campaign
helped to raise awareness and allowed me to keep on working on the

I am currently working with a web guy on a new structure for the site.
I am also about to redo the donation page, move it from g10code.com to
gnupg.org, and allow for non-Paypal donations.



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