Hi Werner,

thanks a lot for Your freely explications! - This was really interesting
for me...

another question ist the VAT for about  5212,-- €

> The legal entity behind GnuPG is my company g10 code.  This is a
> commercial entity and we have to pay VAT on all donations (19% from the
> amount we received from Goteo; i.e. without the Goteo and Paypal costs).
> The VAT we pay on the material procured for the rewards (about 500 Euro)
> reduces our depth to the tax office (not yet included in the overview).
> Given that the majority of costs at g10 code are currently my salary,
> which is not subject to VAT, the VAT issue is indeed a bit unfortunate.
> There is no easy solution for this; however I am thinking about a
> solution.
You see here for ex. one important reason for a non profit-Organisation
as "juridic subject" of the goals...

another one for any- or -bigger donations - would be exoneration of tax
for the donator... - so we pay actually twice taxes.. ;-(

> I am currently working with a web guy on a new structure for the site.
> I am also about to redo the donation page, move it from g10code.com to
> gnupg.org, and allow for non-Paypal donations.
Next problem we have often seen, when open-Source Projects in reason of
private-ownership turned suddenly in closed source...! whats quite
annoying after it...

Best would be something like a foundation (Stiftung). With the
Participation of several gov-institutions there would also be some
interesting support for employment however the most problem is still the
lazyness and anxious of the peoples to use encryption... or loose the
passphrase or even private key...

There for I would be happy if there would be a possibilty to involve
some identy-card with nfc-able smartphones... - but this is another

Nevertheless if foundation there would may be more possibiltities to
enlarge the range of security tools...? I think after all NSA-Problems
there could be some interest it for outsides of the friends in the

Salam Shalom


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