On 10/12/15 21:00, Dark Penguin wrote:
> (or not even seeing it, because I think it would normally close
> immediately after the program has finished running).

Oh, okay, I misunderstood your request. I thought you wanted to invoke
GPA from the command line, since you called it a command line option.

But I suppose you want a file association so GPA is launched on an .asc
or .gpg file, and subsequently takes the most logical action for the
actual content of the file (show key info with an option to import for
keys, decrypt and verify for encrypted/signed data).



I use the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) in combination with Enigmail.
You can send me encrypted mail if you want some privacy.
My key is available at <http://digitalbrains.com/2012/openpgp-key-peter>

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