Matthias Mansfeld:
> On 9 Dec 2016 at 14:01, Stephan Beck wrote:
>> Hi Matthias,
> [..]
>>> Windows 7 pro(64), GPGRelay 9.962 (a POP3/SMTP "proxy" or better
>>> local relay for GnuPG), GnuPG 1.4.18, Pegasus Mail 4.72de
>>> Based on something strange on my computer (blocked memory etc. up
>> to 
>>> explorer.exe freeze after some hours running) finally my GnuPG 
>>> freezes >> GPGRelay freezes waiting for GnuPG >> my Mail client 
>>> freezes waiting for GPGRelay, and the common is nearly always, it
>>> freezes mostly exactly during loading a signed mail from Stephan
>>> Beck.
>> Well, I can't say that I feel honored by so many references to my
>> name, but have you checked that (I suspect compatibility of PGP
>> plugin and your PM version as a probable reason) 
>> 1) the PGP-plugin you use is the latest as on (1)
>> 2) this latest version of the PGP plugin (for use in 4.72) is
>> already
>> made fit for Windows7
> No, I don't use any PMail Plugin at all (you mentioned a PGP Plugin 
> which would work well with PGP, not GnuPG. A many years old GnuPG 
> Plugin exists, but is totally unmaintained, doesn't work well with 
> attachments etc....)
> I use GPGRelay with GnuPG 1.4.18; Pegasus talks (unencrypted, 
> unsigned) with GPGRelay on localhost with port numbers, and GPGRelay 
> acts as "local proxy" which talks with the POP3 and SMTP servers and 
> signs/verifies/encrypts/decrypts the mails with GnuPG.
> See
>> [...] 3) is configured properly concerning PGP/MIME support: see
>> section Using the Program--> PGP/MIME encryption 
> I would say (concerning GPGRelay/GnuPG) yes, because (standard 
> answer) I did not change anything, not with Pegasus Mail, not with 
> any settings in GPGRelay and it ran perfectly.
>> 4) gnupg 1.4.18 for Windows' debug output
>> 5) you are using a Windows 32-bit-application in a 64 bit Windows7
>> environment; that should work in general, but may give some issues.
>> I
>> haven't investigated further here.
>> 6) in general, for Windows 7 "debugging light": see "Event
>> Logging"
>> (DE_DE=Ereignisanzeige) and look for entries in the various log
>> files,
>> filtering as needed
> ... OK, I will try this...
>> 7) for Windows Debugging heavy, download the Win7 Debugging Tools
>> (4)
>> As to logging I only found that PegasusMail(3) has a WMP log file
>> for
>> debugging purposes but it is not editable, as to 
> logs the _complete_ TCP/IP protocol (in this case between Pegasus 
> Mail and GPGRelay) including the decrypted mail data... maybe it 
> helps to see what happens last before everything stucks...
> Similar logging exists for GPGRelay, and that is, where I see the 
> last mail GPGRelay tries to retrieve from the POP3 server before it 
> just hangs and where I found that it happens quite often during 
> verifying especially your mails. That is, why I asked whether 
> something on your signatures may be a bit "special"
> Currently I have not the time to go much more in depth and can live 
> with the fact that in that moment much other stuff on this computer 
> tends to hang and the "easiest" way for now is to reboot... It is 
> possible that this behaviour came with one of the last MS 
> patchdays...

I'm truly interested in receiving such log files to have a look into it
myself, but the list may be interested as well. If there was really
something "special" about (precisely) my signatures, as you say, I'd be
eager to know, check and take appropriate measures.
Whereas you can live with the fact.



Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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