Matthias Mansfeld:
> On 11 Dec 2016 at 20:43, Stephan Beck wrote:
>> I'm truly interested in receiving such log files to have a look
>> into it myself, but the list may be interested as well. If there was
>> really something "special" about (precisely) my signatures, as you
>> say, I'd be eager to know, check and take appropriate measures.
>> Whereas you can live with the fact. 
> I will activate logging in PMail (in GPGRelay it is already running) 
> and post it (as zipped attachment would be fine?... I just need to 
> purge the passwords in the logfiles...).
> How can I start the most verbose logging from GnuPG itself (gpg.conf 
> option?)

I am not working with gnupg 1.4.18 for Windows. Usually you would
activate the debug flag, and, considering you most likely want to trace
the communication protocol of gpg-agent with gnupg itself (and with
other servers), which is the Assuan protocol, while verifying my
signature, you might be able to use (at the Windows prompt)
gpg --debug 1024 --verify mymessage.txt.sig mymessage.txt
As in Windows, differing from UNIX-Systems, the communication is not
made using pipes, this option in Windows should be automatically enabled
and create the so-called temp-files. I've seen them added, though.
Anyway, other Windows user might help you here.

[QUOTE on --use-temp-files] This option forces GnuPG to use
temporary files to communicate.  On some platforms (such as Win32 and
RISC OS), this option is always enabled. [QUOTE]

I have a test installation with Windows7 and gpg4win (i.e. GnuPG 2.0.x),
but not with GnuPG for Windows 1.4.18 stand-alone, so I unfortunately
cannot reproduce your system's environment.
I don't know (and haven't investigated) the special impact of gpgrelay
on this either.
When sending those log files, please send them as txt files within the
body of a message sent to the list and in CC to me.

> Please let me a few days time for this stuff, because the GnuPG 
> problem itself has currently no show-stopper priority (other 
> stuff must be done.... some printed wired board layouts ready before 
> Xmas, my main business...)

Are you kidding? Go ahead! I don't want to be responsible for someone
not receiving his or her X-mas present in time.
But, strictly speaking, up to now, we've only heard your observations
and assumptions but have seen no proof or document sustaining what you
are saying.

> OK, these keys are rather old... I think I prefer expire (.. a bit 
> afraid of making some mistakes with revokation stuff and then messing 
> up the whole keys....) The remainig subkey (2048 bit RSA) should be 
> fine for encryption?

It is a 2048 bit encryption sub key with no expiry date.
sub  2048R/847E9FF0  created: 2002-10-18  expires: never       usage: E

You MIGHT consider having it expired as well, setting a decent expiry
date (maybe, expiry within 2 or 3 years).



Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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