On 09/10/2017 08:30 PM, lesto fante wrote:
If your level-1 key is compromised, you revoke it, generate a new one and sign 
it with the level-2 key. The new level-1 key will be automatically valid for 
your correspondents.

If your level-2 key is compromised, you revoke it, generate a new one, tsign it 
with the level-1 key

this is exactly what i DON'T want. The level 2 key (or level 1, it
seems you mixed them up)

Sorry, I did mix level-1 and level-3 keys in the first sentence you're quoting. What I meant was:

If your level-3 key is compromised, you revoke it, generate a new one and sign it with the level-2 key. The new level-3 key will be automatically valid for your correspondents.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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