Am 28.09.2017 um 13:30 schrieb Andrew Gallagher:

On 2017/09/28 10:57, Stefan Claas wrote:
Now i have a problem lol... with my new pub key and --check-sigs.

My new pub key 3BB27531899F06EA4582B2E9D68B6EAC6ECF3AB6 was signed
by Governikus 864E8B951ECFC04AF2BB233E5E5CCCB4A4BF43D7 and when doing
a --check-sigs i get an error...under Windows 7 and gpg4win GnuPG 2.2.1,
which i just
downloaded... Therfore i checked other users, which have a Governikus
sig3 and
the error persists. Any ideas gentlemen?
What specific error are you getting? I don't see any errors using
--check-sigs on that key, but then I don't trust Governikus so I'm not
performing the same test that you are.
Well, i installed today at work gpg4win (GnuPG 2.2.1) and it tells me when
downloading my pub key 1 bad signature in German. when doing a --check-sigs
it tells me in German:

gpg: 5 korrekte Signaturen
gpg: 1 falsche Beglaubigung

the good signatures are shown with gpg in cmd.exe as sig!3 and the bad signature is shown as sig-3. Same applies when i do gpg --recv-keys/--check-sigs from other keys
signed by Governikus.

BTW, your usage of key IDs to contain arbitrary text produces some weird

When long time ago Facebook's pub key received it's vanity sigs i was upset and decided
to no longer support traditional key servers and added this text to my key.


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