> while i agree with rjh that destruction of the current SKS-based
> keyserver network (either by technical or legal means) would today be a
> net loss, this statement goes too far.

I welcome the correction, but I stand by my statement.  Many users,
particularly in corporate environments, roll their own packages and rely
on the keyservers to propagate those signing keys worldwide.  I know
I've seen RHEL corporate networks doing this; I _believe_ I've seen
Ubuntu-based corporate networks doing this.  (Back in 2016 I wound up
doing just this task for an RHEL network, while my officemate handled
the Ubuntu machines -- I have no hands-on experience with the Ubuntu
side of things, just recollections of hearing my officemate talk about

It is correct, though, to say official Debian packages would have
minimal disruption.  Thank you.  :)

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