Matthias Apitz wrote:
> El día sábado, octubre 10, 2020 a las 03:57:39p. m. +0200, Stefan Claas 
> escribió:
> > Stefan Claas wrote:
> > 
> > > Since I have started the thread publicity to let GnuPG users know
> > > other communication forms and which can be be read everywhere,
> > > without access restrictions, it will be interesting to see if all
> > > postcards will arrive ... ;-)
> > 
> > Update.
> > 
> > I received feedback from (not all*) participants and they had no
> > problems to read the NFC tags, with smart phones or an external
> > reader, so they were in proper condition, as expected. As of my
> > understanding, iOS users will probably need iOS 14 in order to
> > read NFC tags natively, while iOS 13 users and below most likely
> > need and NFC app from the AppStore. Regarding Android, reports
> > were also good and people used apps from their store(s).
> As one of the testers: Using an iOS system is not a real world option for me
> because the iOS can execute commands stored on the NFC tag and getting a
> plain file out of the tag over to some UNIX laptop is tricky. A real
> world option for me would only be a Linux based mobile, like the
> ones or a Purism L5, both have no NFC hardware at the moment and would
> need an additional reader gadget.

Thanks for pointing this out. Could you elaborate a bit on how this works?

I ask because a standard tag I used stores only roughly 800 bytes.

In case raw binary data would be stored instead of links, for example, how
does iOS automatically executes this data, once the tag is noticed by the
iOS device?


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