Ryan McGinnis via Gnupg-users wrote:
> CIA Agent 1: Swap out that NFC tag with the malicious one.
> CIA Agent 2: But he put a little sticker on it!
> CIA Agent 1: My God, all hope is lost

Slightly OT, Germany's BSI just send out a couple of days ago
*postal* mail to companies and organisations about a threat
and *not* email. :-)

I also released today an English version, along with a German
version of my binary to 5-letter word encoder/decoder, thus
allowing people low on budget to create small binary encrypted
blobs and encode them, so that they don't have to purchase NFC
tags and a reader/writer for their offline computer and they
can then also avoid purchasing a printer for QR-Codes and are
then able to write down the 5-letter words from the screen on
a piece of paper and put it in a security envelope. :-)


This procedure is a bit time consuming, but it is an option.


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