Am 13. Januar 2021 21:44:07 MEZ schrieb Stefan Claas via Gnupg-users 
>Hi Juergen,
>looks like you are a bit upset, like probably others as well.

I hope others don't mind me speaking in their names. Stefan, we are upset by 
you making false accusations about which software does something right or 
wrong. Both softwares are reacting differently to an error which lies in your 
TLS certificate usage (as several people have proven multiple times). You're 
not even to blame for that root cause, because it is not under your control. 
Don't only look at the end result, but please try to understand that the cause 
lies deeper than just the spec or the clients you tried. 

>I am not aware how their network is set-up and it is not my business,
>but would you not agree that it would be very nice to have a wildcard
>subdomain solution, for all their inhouse offices and employees email
>addresses, while managing themselves key distribution?

It's a little unclear what *exactly* you mean with "a wildcard subdomain 
solution". WKD can work perfectly with wildcards involved, both on the DNS and 
TLS levels. But such things can be misconfigured and the spec even explicitly 
mentions one possible pitfall including a solution. 

Reactions to that kind of misconfiguration should also be standardized in the 
spec. That's all there is to criticize, IMHO.

Kind regards

From: André Colomb <>

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