
Werner Koch via Gnupg-users wrote:
> On Wed, 25 May 2022 22:58, Dirk Gottschalk said:
>> $ gpg --with-colons --list-config curve
>> cfg:curve:cv25519;ed25519;cv448;ed448;nistp256;nistp384;nistp521;secp25
>> 6k1
> This should read
> cfg:curve:cv25519;ed25519;cv448;ed448;nistp256;nistp384;nistp521;brainpoolP256r1;brainpoolP384r1;brainpoolP512r1;secp256k1
> Note the Brainpool curves.  Seems that Redhat still patches them out of
> libgcrypt.

The question of whether these curves can be kept in Fedora
was brought up on the fedora-legal list some time ago.  The
most recent status update¹ from Fedora Project Leader
Matthew Miller on January 28, 2022 says:

    Sooooo, these things move slowly, but this _is_ being
    worked on. I'll let you know when I can.

That sounds midly hopeful.  With luck, the curves will be
cleared for inclusion (at least eventually, even it not
terribly soon).



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