Konstantin Ryabitsev via Gnupg-users wrote:
> FYI, I also provide gnupg22-static and gnupg23-static packages that can be
> rebuilt and installed on RHEL 7+ (though I haven't tried on RHEL9):
> https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/icon/lfit/packages/
> They install into /opt and can be used directly as /opt/gnupg22/bin/gpg (and
> others).

Thanks Konstantin!

On EL8/9, I needed to disable the debugsource packages for a
sucessful build:

    %define _debugsource_template %{nil}

I only tested builds of gnupg23-static on EL8/9, but the
gnupg22-static package looks like it would need the same

Of course, the difference in algorithm support between
upstream and EL8/9 is much smaller than it was on EL7.
(Here's to seeing the differences disappear entirely.)


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