
I apologize for not having posted correctly, I didn't remenber the adress of the list and did a reply to a non related post.

Sorry again, and thanks for the answer. I just thought that with Etoilé
being a complete DE or even a complete system more source compatibility
with Apple was a possible goal and I interogated myself to know if it
was legally possible.



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As for the response, see below.

cm wrote:

Hello all,

Cocoa is based on an open standard named OPENSTEP, and GNUStep has reimplemented this specification, this is clearly legal. Are other framework or API's from Apple also candidate for inclusion in GNUstep. For instance is it legally possible to rewrite a Searchkit or maybe CoreImage API for GNUstep ?

Generally my question is : are other API than Cocoa
legally clonable for gnustep, or are we tied to ever
only have cocoa compatibility.

> It would be legal, but it's outside the scope of the GNUstep project,
> and hence will probably never be done. GNUstep doesn't exist to reimplement
> every whizbang Apple API. Read the mission objectives
> at > http://www.gnustep.org/information/mission.html for a more detailed explanation.

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