I agree with Fabien's opinion (below). People are always interested to work on new features -- it seems like the CoreData stuff for example is already well on its way even though Tiger's just out -- but it's the more thankless work like fixing bugs and filling in rarely-invoked implementations that most needs to be compensated to occur at all.

On Jun 16, 2005, at 5:25 AM, Fabien VALLON wrote:

Adam Fedor wrote:
Alex Perez has suggested using some of the funds that GNUstep has
(and/or directed donations from individuals) to fund a part-time
programmer to improve GNUstep. Some specific projects include CoreData and Predicates. Are other people interested in seeing these things added
to GNUstep?

I think the general idea of the improvements bounty is great. CoreData
and Predicates both seem interesting are probably good candidates to
figure out how to structure such bounty project.


I think it would be usefull to fix all bugs in AppKit / backend first
see : http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?group=gnustep

I think we can also improve UI too.

For example: focused Views/Cells should be more "visible" ( add a black
border  on TextField for example ).

Make stable and "bugs free" all we already have should be the first priority.

Other suggestions :
- Icons for the default NeXTish look.
- a clone of HearderViewer ( and pre-compiled headers )
- Port of WebCore


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