Has anyone managed to get svn+ssh working on windowing in the ming32 environment yet?

After installing svn-win32-1.3.0 to use from the msys command line I get 'svn: Connection closed unexpectedly'

My ssh setup works fine for me normally (I was using it to access the CVS repository without trouble).

I have tried adding an ssh key without password protection so that I know that svn won't be confused by ssh wanting a password.
I have told ssh what username to use when contacting gna.org.

My ssh config file says -

Protocol 2
Host svn.gna.org
User rfm
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/insecure

I have also tried using the TortiseSVN package, following the clear instructions at http://www.logemann.org/archives/000099.html, but that has a similar problem 'Error * Connection closed unexp...' even though it's using the Putty/Plink/Pageant software to do the ssh bit.

Any ideas? It would be a pity if the move to subversion means we stop doing windows development.

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