Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:
Has anyone managed to get svn+ssh working on windowing in the ming32 environment yet?

Well, I have. At least, I've fetched the code without issue over ssh using my 

Actually, without issue isn't strictly true:

svn co svn+step://

returned an error after checking out the first level: couldn't find external 

That's not a windows problem, though.

After installing svn-win32-1.3.0 to use from the msys command line I get 'svn: Connection closed unexpectedly'
My ssh setup works fine for me normally (I was using it to access the CVS repository without trouble).
> I have tried adding an ssh key without password protection so that I
> know that svn won't be confused by ssh wanting a password.
> I have told ssh what username to use when contacting
> My ssh config file says -
> Protocol 2
> Host
> User rfm
> IdentityFile ~/.ssh/insecure

I'd suggest you check it. Specifically with the gna server. Like this:

ssh -l rfm

(modify if you're using some other command/tool)
If you've got it set up right, it'll ask you for the passphrase to your key. Or if you're using an unprotected key, it'll go through ready for a command.

If this bit won't work, there's no point going further.

Any ideas? It would be a pity if the move to subversion means we stop doing windows development.

It would seem to me that the problem is your ssh session isn't being established with the right credentials or that the key isn't registered. The "Connection closed unexpectedly" message is the tunnel being closed prematurely.

Oh... did you tell about your new key?


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