On 2006-03-04 15:57:03 -0700 Helge Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
More frequent because it will be easier to try out new features (and have a less moving target even for developers) and less frequent because the GNUstep API is too instable for distribution inclusion and to base binary software packages upon. (and ABI change in the core library every 6 months or so is FAR to much, 12 months might be OK, 24 considered stable).

Well, I try to do something like this, only I aim for binary compatibility, rather than API stability. That's way too hard for me to track - something that all the developers would have to sign up to do, not just me. The last binary incompatible release was September, last year (7 months).

anyway, I try for a release every month or two, although lately it's been three months. Maybe I should just set up an alarm to ping myself every month so I don't get busy and forget. It's not hard to make a release, but it's not trivial either, particularly since I can't possibly test it on all the major systems I'd like to test it on.

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