On 7. Mrz 2006, at 16:41 Uhr, Adam Fedor wrote:
Well, I try to do something like this, only I aim for binary compatibility, rather than API stability. That's way too hard for me to track - something that all the developers would have to sign up to do, not just me. The last binary incompatible release was September, last year (7 months).

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by that. Ensuring ABI/API stability just implies that every once in a while a new version is branched. This branch then is only allowed to add fixes, no new API/ ABI stuff. "Development" of course will continue as usual (with breaking things ;-) in the trunk and with alpha releases.

Technically patches (aka bugfixes) to the branch could/should only be allowed for a release manager, could be you or someone else. A patch would need to ensure that nothing ABI/API is changed, this should be reasonably easy.

Since a stable release should happen max every 12 months this should be no big burden. And interest to provide fixes when necessary should be high because only stable versions (and API/ABI compatible fixes) are usually allowed in distributions.

Summary: IMHO this should be easy with Subversion. Just do a copy of trunk every 12/18/24 months and mark that the stable release and disallow changes. This might imply that this only makes sense for core components like gstep-make and gstep-base since maybe gstep-gui has so many bugs that it doesn't make sense to tag a stable. Can't decide that.


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