> a. the default installation location is the local domain
> b. a makefile may override that to supply a package specific default
> c. the command line overrides that.

That's exactly my proposal. :-)

Except that, of course, I'd like to discourage b. as a practice. ;-)

The main reason being that all software should install consistently in the
same way.
If every software author chooses a different default domain, there is no
consistency. :-/

Also it would be pretty bad to have software install by default in /usr on
a Unix type
filesystem ... I would want the stuff to install following default
conventions like
any other Unix system (ie, stuff by default installs into /usr/local or
/opt or whatever).

Anyway I suggest as a reasonable agreement, we'll use b. to set the
installation domain
as System for the 4 core packages (make, base, gui, back).  All other
packages should have
no default set and so install by default in Local (packagers are
encouraged to install them
into System instead when they package though).  Makes sense ?


PS: would gnustep-base work if you install it in Local ?

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