Oh, I forgot the several focus issues!  Menus and windows still disappear
every once in a while when I miniaturize, close or change focus (there are
already some bug reports in Savannah about it).


On Nov 10, 2007 12:07 PM, Stefan Bidigaray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Wow, I've been writing e-mails all morning!  Not that any of them are
> useful.
> I would consider gui at 1.0 when the cairo backend gets completed.  It's
> already very good in my opinion (kudos to Fred).  And have full support for
> at least PNG (wasn't there a GSoC for this?), as well as make PNG the
> default image file (this includes converting the current images).
> The little that I've worked with gui when going through the different
> tutorials and writing my little ScreenSaver framework (which went on hold)
> was great.  Of course, I didn't use gui very deeply in either case.
> Stefan
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