Richard Frith-Macdonald <richard <at>> writes:
> On 10 Nov 2007, at 15:08, Gregory John Casamento wrote:
> > All,
> >
> > I'd like to have a discussion and come to a consensus on what  
> > everyone feels would comprise a 1.0 gui release.
> Two things ...
> A. glitch free/reliable operation
> B. a decent degree of interoperability with gnome and kde in  
> particular, but also ms-windows
> Technically the issues here are ...
> 1. solve focus problems and similar window manager related glitches  
> so that apps operate smoothly and reliably with all popular window  
> managers and all focus management models.
> 2, make sure cut-and-past and drag-and-drop operations work well with  
> gnome/kde/ms-windows
> 3. theming ... allow users the option of making a gnustep app look  
> like something else

In my experience the default look, and even the vertical menu don't detract too
much from gnustep apps in gnome environment. They do look out of place, but
functionality isn't affected. They are still easily used. 

otoh, window management, and appicon management essentially don't work in a
gnome environment. because there is no integration with gnome's panel. This
makes the most convenient, least confusing scenario running one gnustep
application at a time, and always leaving it visible (again, in my experience).

I agree themeing and cut and paste are important. I think doing something about
appicons and miniwindows would be needed too.  Alexander Malmberg made a
proposal about desktop/environment backends, somewhat like the current gui
backends, that would  provide a framework for gnome/kde/ms-windows specific
things such as printing, appicon, and mini window management.  I'm not sure if that
was the final version which was posted to the mailing list. 


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