
On 2008-03-02 00:18:47 +0100 Adam Fedor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It's time for another release. I'll make an unstable release of the core libraries late next week. I also plan a stable base release, but I will not make a stable release of the gui libraries, unless there is some important patch the someone wants there (or better yet, patch the stable branch yourself so I don't have to do it).
I know of no blocking issues, I should probably give a compile test on gcc 2.95 in the next days, just to be sure. About stable, since I gather Debian tracks stable (?) it would be nice to have some of the printing stuff backported to stable: PRICE doesn't compile against current debian packages. But it is just my guess: htey have an reasonably up to date base, but a horrid old gui and I thought it was that they track stable.

Let me know if there is some reason I should wait.
It would have been nice to have more information about bug 22373 and maybe a fix before release, but I think it can't be considered blocking. Since no one else reported it, it might be SPARC specific.


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