Last night when chasing another problem, valgrind memcheck reported a problem in check_modifiers() in XGServerEvent.m. I think the reported problem is non-existent, but it got me thinking about this code.

// checks whether a GNUstep modifier (key_sym) is pressed when we're only able
// to check whether X keycodes are pressed in xEvent->xkeymap;
static int check_modifier (XEvent *xEvent, KeySym key_sym,
                           XModifierKeymap *modmap)
    char *key_vector;
    int by,bi;

    // implementation fails if key_sym is only accessible by a multi-key
    // combination, however this is not expected for GNUstep modifier keys;
// to fix implementation, would need to first determine modifier state by // a first-pass scann of the full key vector, then use the state in place
    // of "0" below in XKeycodeToKeysym
    key_vector = xEvent->xkeymap.key_vector;
    for (by=0; by<32; by++) {
        for (bi=0; bi<8; bi++) {
            if ((key_vector[by] & (1 << bi)) &&

                return 1;
    return 0;

Why don't we just convert the handed in key_sym into a keycode with XKeysymToKeycode and check the map just for that single key? But then I am not sure what this function is used for at all. It gets called when a KeymapNotify event happens. There we still get a modifier map, which we no longer use anywhere. This whole event is normally send just after a FocusIn and EnterNotify event and the later at least already has the modifiers in the status field. Wouldn't it be better to register all the special GNUstep modifier keys as X modifiers and rely on X to handle them correctly. But as said, I really don't understand this area.

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