On 28 May 2008, at 19:04, Vance Grkov wrote:


I installed GNUstep on Windows and created a sample hello world window based application (using NSWindow, NSView, NSButton ...)

Now, how do I call Windows APIs from this GNUstep application?

In an ideal world, you use the GNUstep APIs and don't need to use windows APIs (since GNUstep is supposed to provide for cross-platform application development rather than deal with platform specific APIs) ... but you can call windows APIs directly if you need them for something.

(Do I need to install the platform SDK first and will gcc work with the MS headers and libraries.)

You will have mingw and msys installed with GNUstep. The mingw project provides headers and stubs for the win32 libraries. The msys stuff provides the development environment (gcc, make etc), so you should simply be able to use these directly. If there are APIs that mingw doesn't support, that's probably best addressed by asking the mingw mailing lists (see www.mingw.org).

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