On Jun 12, 2008, at 7:19 AM, Quentin Mathé wrote:

It seems you forgot to remove a temporary logging statement in NSCachedImageRep.m: <http://svn.gna.org/viewcvs/gnustep/libs/gui/trunk/Source/NSCachedImageRep.m?rev=26619&view=diff&r1=26619&r2=26618&p1=libs/gui/trunk/Source/NSCachedImageRep.m&p2=/libs/gui/trunk/Source/NSCachedImageRep.m >

This results in the output of a continuous logging. May be there are other unwanted changes in this commit?… Although I observe nothing special, the change I reported put aside.

Sorry, I didn't notice that. It's fixed now.

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