
It may be best for some critical applications to set the NSExceptionMask
setting to manually so that they will abort at the first sign of trouble.

I admit I didn't read the links immediately.  I have now and it looks like
that is the best way to go, although a little more work than I had
originally anticipated.

I understand your concerns with respect to this, but it's important that we
maintain compatibility with Cocoa when and if possible.

Later, GC

On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 4:44 AM, David Ayers <ay...@fsfe.org> wrote:

> Hello Gregory,
> Am Freitag, den 06.02.2009, 00:33 -0500 schrieb Gregory Casamento:
> > What should "NSExceptionMask" be implemented as?  SHould it be a
> > boolean that determines if we should allow the application to continue
> > or not?
> Did you read the link that Richard provided?
> http://developer.apple.com/DOCUMENTATION/Cocoa/Conceptual/Exceptions/Exceptions.html
> http://developer.apple.com/DOCUMENTATION/Cocoa/Conceptual/Exceptions/Tasks/ControllingAppResponse.html
> Table 1  Exception-handling constants and defaults values:
> Type of Action / Constant / Value for defaults
> ----------------------------------------------
> Log uncaught NSExceptions / NSLogUncaughtExceptionMask / 1
> Handle uncaught NSExceptions / NSHandleUncaughtExceptionMask / 2
> Log system-level exceptions / NSLogUncaughtSystemExceptionMask / 4
> Handle system-level exceptions / NSHandleUncaughtSystemExceptionMask / 8
> Log runtime errors / NSLogUncaughtRuntimeErrorMask / 16
> Handle runtime errors / NSHandleUncaughtRuntimeErrorMask / 32
> > That is to say
> > * NSExceptionMask = YES  - report all exceptions, but continue
> > anyway...
> > * NSExceptionMask = NO - current behavior
> That would be a GNUstep extension and in my view more confusing than the
> current behavior.
> > If so, I have a patch almost ready.  I'll submit it to the group prior
> > to committing it since a change that is this important needs to have
> > some amount of consensus.
> That's good.
> Yet I must admit that I find it a bit unsettling that DBModeler (who's
> eomodeld files are comparatively trivial) may abort while GORM (who's
> gorm/nib files contain very complex relationships) my silently corrupt
> it's files due to bugs in third party palettes.
> I just want you to consider this very carefully with respect to the
> default setting of GORM.
> Cheers,
> David

Gregory Casamento
Open Logic Corporation, Principal Consultant
## GNUstep Chief Maintainer
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