On 6 Mar 2009, at 09:15, Xavier Glattard wrote:

Richard Frith-Macdonald a écrit :
On 6 Mar 2009, at 07:05, Xavier Glattard wrote:

I dont understand this problem about ABI and binary compatibility, so
please excuse me if this looks stupid :\

The problem comes from ivars that would not be always at the same
offset, doesn't it ? But these ivars are supposed to be private, dont they ? So the code that uses these ivars is always released along with the class interface. I can not find any official 'public' ivars. Do i
miss something ?
There are all sorts of possible issues with symbol names when functions and global variables etc are added/removed/changed, but the main issue we are talking about is the ivar layout and subclassing. If you add an ivar to a class, the memory used by and instance becomes bigger to make room for it. If you link in some bundle or library which uses a subclass of that class, the bundle/library will not be expecting that ivar to be there, and will have stored one of the subclass ivars at the oiffset in memory where the new ivar is stored ... causing obvious problems. David's solution of non-fragile ivars requires compiler and runtime support, but is definitely the way to go to solve the problem (except for when the very highest performance is needed, in which case you can usually use straight C and other techniques for optimisation).

Fred, Richard : thank you for your answers.
I think I understand the 'technical' problem :)

But IMHO :
- private ivars should (can?) not be used from outside the class itself. - protected ivars should only be used from inside the library/ framework itself, and only for very good reason.
- public ivars should not exist!

Moreover ivars are never documented.

Then GNUstep users should never meet this problem. If they do then I think this is their own choice.

Do i still miss something ?

/* Class in public interface.
@interface LibraryClass: NSObject
  int   _ivar1;

/* Class in user application
@interface MyClass : LibraryClass
  NSString      *name;
- (NSString*) name;
- (void) setName: (NSString*)n;

Now, we release a new version of the library ...

/* Class in public interface.
@interface LibraryClass: NSObject
  int   _ivar1;
  int   _ivar2;

When the user application creates an instance of MyClass, the runtime is asked for the size of the class in order to allocate it ... and the size if the size of the ivars of NSObject ('isa') plus the size of the ivars of LibraryClass (_ivar1 and _ivar2) plus the size of the ivars of MyClass (name). When application code then calls [MyClass-setName:] on the newly created instance, it attempts to assign a value to its 'name' ivar, but it was compiled thinking that the ivar layout was
  Class isa;
  int   _ivar1;
  NSString      *name;
but the actual layout at runtime is
  Class isa;
  int _ivar1;
  int _ivar2;
  NSString *name;
so the assignment actually overwrites _ivar2

David's non-fragile ivar mechanism essentially overcomes this by having the code look up at runtime what the offset to 'name' should be, rather than depending on the value produced at compile time. This produces some additional runtime overheads (cleverly kept to a minimum), but is fairly quick. I don't know the technical details, but David could probably explain or point you to a good explanation on the web.

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