I think we waited now long enough to be sure there wont be any big
surprises when we make a new release.
There still are important open issues, but as far as I can see no
regressions. I will be away for the next week, perhaps this is the
perfect time for a release. When I come back I will have plenty of time
for fixes.


Gregory Casamento wrote:
> I agree that we should delay the release of gui since there have been
> a number of changes that have not been fully tested.   While I'm sure
> that they are working I have tested them with a limited set of apps
> and would like to see a greater degree of testing done prior to an
> official release.
> The change to NSSplitView is based on the idea that the subviews of
> the splitview should always resize themselves since this appears to be
> the observed behavior on Cocoa.  I need to do further testing on this,
> so I left it in the nib loading code for now.
> Regarding inconsistencies between loading from a nib and creating in
> code, I'm not sure that the assumption that they should always be the
> same is entirely valid.
> GC
> On 4/15/09, Fred Kiefer <fredkie...@gmx.de> wrote:
>> What ever numbering system you prefer :-)
>> To me it is just the same and people will always find a reason to
>> complain about it.
>> For gui I would like to delay a new release for a few weeks. Gregory has
>> done a load of changes which will need some testing. And one set of them
>> (The changes for autoresize on NSView and subviews) surely is a work
>> around for some kind of problem. I am still trying to figure out from
>> the changes what the underlying problem might be. Most of the changes
>> have been reverted, but the remaining on on NSSplitView leads to an
>> inconsistency between objects loaded from a NIB file and ones created in
>> code. This is not what we want, but Greg surely had a good reason for
>> this change. If only he would tell us...
>> I am also currently looking into a problem with NIB loading, which might
>> even be related to Gregs issue. The NIB file for the SimpleWebKit
>> Browser gives different results for the autoresizes subviews ivar on
>> Cocoa and GNUstep. This code uses a binary NIB file
>> devmodules/dev-libs/simplewebkit/SWKBrowser/English.lproj/MyDocument.nib/keyedobjects.nib
>> When converting this NIB file to XML (with a simple tool I have written
>> that just uses to calls on NSPropertyList) I end up with an entry
>> <key>NSvFlags</key>
>> <false/>
>> This looks completely wrong to me, but perhaps somebody with more
>> understanding of keyed coding could explain this?
>> After these two issues have been resolved a new release would be fine
>> from my point of view.
>> Fred
>> PS: I will be away for the next ten days, so don't expect something quick.
>> Adam Fedor wrote:
>>> It's been a long time now (LTN) since our last release, perhaps we
>>> should do a new one soon?   Also, in an effort to please everyone
>>> (ETPE), I was thinking we should separate the release numbering from the
>>> SO version numbering, at least on the unstable branch as long as there
>>> are no ABI changes.  This should be really easy as we just need to define
>>> in the top-level makefile.  So
>>> Base/Gui unstable release:
>>>   Subminor release (1.19.X) - bug fixes or API changes
>>>     increase subminor version
>>>     interface version does not change
>>>  Minor release (1.X.0) - API changes and bug fixes
>>>     increase minor version
>>>     interface version does not change
>>>   Minor or Major release (1.X.0 or X.0.0) - ABI and API changes
>>>     increase version
>>>     increase interface version to match.
>>> Base/Gui stable release:
>>>   Subminor release (1.18.X) - bug fixes only
>>>     increase subminor version
>>>     interface version does not change
>>>  Minor release (1.X.0) - ABI, API changes and bug fixes
>>>     increase minor version
>>>     interface version changes to match
>>>   Minor or Major release (1.X.0 or X.0.0) - ABI and API changes
>>>     increase version
>>>     increase interface version to match.

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