On 08.03.2008, at 00:33, Gregory John Casamento wrote:
Currently there is a lot of space which is marked as "reserved" in Apple's header files. This allows for future additions without changing the memory layout of the class which is what leads to ABI issues and subsequently the need for recompilation.

Didn't that change in Objective-C 2.0 / the 64bit ABI? I thought the fragile base class problem is no more? (due to ivar indirection).

The trick is to reserve just the right amount of space so that you don't make your classes needlessly big

Well, the instances would be big, not the classes :-)

Another potential solution to this problem, a bit different from the one above and probably a little risky is to simply have a void pointer in each class' ivar section and have it point to the appropriate structure when initialized during runtime.

I *guess* thats how its implemented in ObjC 2.0. The class probably doesn't contain the ivars directly, but just a pointer to the ivar block of the specific class.
But I didn't check. Maybe someone else knows more.

The third option is to get gui to a point where it's ABI is actually stable. Consider that base hasn't changed much for a long time.

The ABI unfortunately *did* change a lot, I outlined that in detail several times, please check the archives. Stable ABI is not just ivar layout, but also stable method behaviour and constant public API (no public methods added!/changed, no classes added/changed, no methods moved to categories etc etc). Having a stable ABI might even imply preserving certain kinds of bugs :-)

I can't say how stable the GUI ABI is, but the base ABI definitely is NOT stable at all (just say KVC ;-). And *please* remember that I don't refer to the stability of the code, but to the stability of the ABI only. The stability of the code is very nice, so if you don't have a problem with staying at trunk / last branch, everything is awesome-O :-) We do.

Helge Hess

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